
Chakra colors and meanings chart
Chakra colors and meanings chart

chakra colors and meanings chart

The chakra color chart below will give you a quick overview of what each of them mean. Ok, but what are the colors of the chakras? The chakra colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. There are also seven chakra colors attributed to the chakras, each with its own significance and meaning. There are seven major chakras or energy centers of the body, each with differing functions and attributes. Each part of their being must be acknowledged, treated with respect, and looked after, in order to maintain a healthy balance and promote vitality. When only one or two elements of their being are acknowledged, it throws the whole system off balance, similar to the earth’s ecosystem when mistreated or uncared for. In order to live peaceful, happy and harmonious lives, each level must be acknowledged and cared for. Living in this way throws the person out of balance as each aspect compliments the other.

chakra colors and meanings chart

Many individuals see themselves only on a superficial level, identifying with material and physical forms but completely ignoring the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their being.

chakra colors and meanings chart

Having an understanding of the chakra colors and their meaning can open up the mystery of the energy system and help each person to understand themselves on a deeper level. This can help those that are aware and willing to use this information to put it to their benefit. What are the chakra colors and what do they mean? Exploring the 7 chakra colors in more detail unveils the meaning of each.

#Chakra colors and meanings chart how to#

Learn about the colors of the chakras with our 7 chakra color chart! You will also be introduced to the chakra symbols, and how to energize the chakra colors through meditation, color breathing, chakra stones, clothing, decoration, and food!

Chakra colors and meanings chart